The Northwest Illinois Forestry Association (NIFA) will host the State Plant Regulatory Officer discussing forest pests on Tuesday, February 11th, at 7:00 pm at the Stockton Public Library. The speaker, Scott Schirmer, is manager of the DeKalb Nursery and Northern Field Office Section for the Illinois Department of Agriculture.
Invasive species continue to threaten and impact our agriculture, natural resources, green industries, and landscapes. Mr. Schirmer will provide an update on current and potential threats to our Northern Illinois forests, including pests such as Gypsy Moth, Emerald Ash Borer, Spotted Lanternfly, and Asian Longhorned Beetle. Woodland owners with questions about forest pests and effective control techniques should attend.
This meeting is free and open to the public. A brief business meeting will follow the speaker's presentation. The Stockton Library is located at 140 West Benton Ave. NIFA is an organization of woodland owners dedicated to educating its members and the public on the benefits of sustainable forest management.
• For questions or inquiries, send email to website admin
• To submit membership applications or renewal dues,
mail to NIFA Treasurer, 9098 East Canyon Rd, Apple River, IL 61001